翡冷翠天使報喜聖堂(聖母領報教堂) The Basilica della Santissima Annunziata, Florence

翡冷翠天使報喜聖堂(聖母領報教堂) 由聖母忠僕會(The Servite)創立於1250年, 在翡冷翠是頗有名的教堂。我們到達廣場後找了好一會才知道那裡是天使報喜聖堂。因為教堂沒有傳統式的正面牆, 正面是回廊式建築, 與東面的孤兒院類似。從回廊式建築入內又有一回廊式中庭。回廊內有名家壁画, 只是光綫頗暗, 有霧裡看花之感。內進教堂, 裝飾華麗, 典型的巴洛式設計。教堂以《天使報喜》命名, 據說一位修士創作天使報喜圖, 無法完成, 後來天使在他睡覺時幫他完成。現在此画供在入門處左邊的大理石祭壇(1444)上, 朝聖者絡繹不絕。

The Basilica of the Most Holy Annunciation (Basilica della Santissima Annunziata)  is a church founded by the Servite order in 1250. The church is famous for the miraculous painting of the Annunciation which was started by a monk and supposedly completed by an angel. I must confess that we had hard time finding the church because I didn’t realize that it has an unconventional facade, which is an imitation of Brunelleschi’s loggia-like facade of the Founding Hospital across the piazza. Inside, the church is beautifully decorated, in Baroque style (as far as I can tell). I hadn’t taken a picture of the facade for obvious reason, so I burrow the one from Wikipedia (thanks, Wikipedia).

這就是教堂的正門, 後面的建築又被擋着, 完全不知道就是教堂入口, 所以沒有拍照, 這張借自維基百科。The facade of Santissima Annunziata. This picture is borrowed from Wikipedia.

入門後先有一迴廊, 壁上有名家壁画, 可惜沒有特別照明。The Chiostrino dei Voti, there are famous frescoes in the cloister, however, it was pretty dark inside, I only took a couple of pictures.

這是早期風格主義蓬托莫的作品 – 瑪麗探訪依利沙伯。 The Visitation by Pontomo.

自大門往內望向祭壇。The nave.

教堂內裝飾華麗, 此為巴洛克式的天花。The elaborate Baroque ceiling was carried out by P.Giambelli on a design by Volterrano (XVII cent.).

祭壇上的圓頂, 燈光昏暗, 把相机放在矮牆上作長曝光始得此圖。The dome over the high altar and the choir. It was dark there, picture taken with long exposure.

圓頂壁画。 Zoom-in the dome.

祭壇上的耶蘇像。 Statue of Christ on the high altar.

聖十字堂。  Cappella del Crocifisso

翡冷翠最古老的風琴, 也是全義第二最老的。   Organ, which is the oldest in Florence and the second oldest in all Italy, dating from 1628.

找不到資料。 Info not available.

大衛打敗巨人歌利亞, 割下他的巨頭, 取得勝利的情景。 David, with the head of slain Goliath.

找不到資料。 Info not available.

聖Girolamo堂的天花, 是後期風格主義画家Alessandro Allori的作品。 從中央的伊甸園到四方的先知圖, 與米開朗基羅在西斯汀教堂的穹頂有很多相似之處。  The Paradise of Eden (Peccato orginale e Cacciata dal Paradiso) by Alessandro Allori. Ceiling of Cappella di San Girolamo.  Look familiar? It appears to have shared some similarities to that of Michelangelo’s ceiling in Sistine Chapel.

少年耶蘇舌辯學者。 The dispute in the temple (or Christ among Doctors, Disputa di Gesu al tempio), Cappella di San Girolamo.

教堂內墓碑的浮雕。 Relief of a funeral monument.

Feroni 副堂的巴洛式的圓頂 (HDR照片)。 Baroque dome of the Feroni Chapel by Giovan Battista Foggini, 1691-1693 (stuccoes executed by Giovanni Battista Ciceri).

聖若瑟與孩提耶蘇。 San Joseph with Infant Jesus.

前面提過, 夲教堂之所以稱為天使報喜聖堂(聖母領報教堂)就是因為名画《天使報喜圖》。此画吸引無數的朝聖者, 十五世紀時米開羅素(Michelozzo) 設計一大理石祭壇, 供奉画作。翡冷翠的新娘子在結婚儀式完結後就會到夲教堂來, 在天使報喜画前祈禱, 並獻上新娘的花束, 祈求婚姻美滿幸福。

Florentine tradition for brides:

As mentioned earlier, Santissima Annunziata is famous for the painting of Annunciation, which is said to have been finished by an angel (1300s). The painting is housed under a beautiful canopied temple or tabernacle designed by Michelozzo (1448-61) located on the left side of the entrance. There were a lot of candles placed in front of the painting indicating that Florentines are keen on venerating the painting. There were also quite a few of bridal bouquets on the altar. It is a Florentine tradition that brides visit the shrine immediately after the wedding ceremony and leave the bridal bouquets on the altar to ensure a long lasting, sweet marriage.

進入大門, 左邊就是米開羅素設計的大理石祭壇, 供奉天使報喜圖。 To the left of  the entrance, there is a canopied tabernacle designed by Michelozzo (1448) in honor of the fresco of Annunciation.

天使報喜圖。 Fresco of Annunciation.

更多資料: 夲教堂是頗出名的, 裡面壁画、美術品亦多, 但意外地網路上的資料卻不多, 下面的幾個網站可参巧, 有興趣的朋友可看看。

Further reading: Despite the fact that this church is pretty famous, it is surprisingly few info available online about the artworks in the church.




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2 Responses to 翡冷翠天使報喜聖堂(聖母領報教堂) The Basilica della Santissima Annunziata, Florence

  1. Marty Kramer says:

    Sorry for the delayed reply to your posts. I have been busy. I LOVE the pics with the sunlight streamiong through the windows. Very surreal – dreamlike. I like your little paagraph about the Florentine brides, very sweet.

    • bluepapillon says:

      That’s one of my favorite shots. I guess it was my lucky day, just walked in the church, wondering around, and all of a sudden, I saw this, perfect timing.

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