4.1-2 雨宝院 Uhoin


京都賞櫻行一之二   雨宝院        首訪四月一日, 四月十三日再訪, 看御衣黄桜。

雨宝院 (通稱西陣聖天) 就在本隆寺後面, 這小寺相信只有在賞櫻季才會客似雲來。除了早開的山櫻和吉野樱外, 還有較少有的遲開品種, 御衣黄桜。我們第一次去雨宝院是4/1, 而在4/13那天, 我們去接迎寺看普賢象櫻, 順道也再來這裡看看御衣黄桜(見後) 。

Kyoto Cherry blossom viewing tour 4.1-2 Uhoin : First Visit –  4/1/2018       2nd visit – 4/13/2018 for Gyoiko variety of cherry

Uhoin is located at the back of Honryuji. It is a small monastery, however, they received a steady stream of visitors during the sakura season. They have the common varieties and a green colored, late blooming variety, Gyoiko, which is said to be one of the rare variety with yellow-green flowers. Its mankai (full bloom) is about two weeks later than the common varieties. 

⇓⇓  Info from their official website:

Formal name: 北向山(ほっこうざん), 雨宝院(うほういん)Uho-in, 

Generally known as: 通称名称  西陣聖天(にしじんしょうてん)  Nishijin Shoten-san

宗派     真言宗泉涌寺派                   本尊     大聖歓喜天尊

創建     821年                                    開基     弘法大師空海

Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at 12.36.43 AM.png


⇑⇑ 雨宝院門口對着的牆, 應該是本隆寺的後牆吧。                                                                    ⇑⇑ The wall across the alley from the gate of Uhoin, probably the back wall of Honryu-ji.






⇑⇑  水手舍             ⇑⇑  Purification fountain.











⇑⇓  枝垂れ桜 – Shidarezakura or weeping cherry


⇓⇓  椿 蝦夷錦   (日本椿花,眾多山茶花的一種). 「惟有山茶殊耐久,獨能深月占春風」
                                                                                                                           ⇓⇓  Japanese camellia – 蝦夷錦  Tsubaki Ezonishiki



⇑⇓ 雨宝院不大, 不一會就看完, 立即趕往附近的首途八幡宮, 旁邊還有櫻花工園。在中途一街角處, 見此樱花, 正在怒放, 色澤亦美, 未知是哪个品種。

⇑⇓ We left Uhoin and headed to the nearby sakura park, it is just a short walk away. On our way, we found this beautiful cherry next to a convenient store, it was in full bloom, can’t find any info about it, so beautiful.




⇓⇓ 四月十日二次到訪, 看御衣黄桜。 2nd visit 4/13 for Gyoiko cherry.

⇓⇓ 2nd visit to Uhoin – 4/13/2018  for 御衣黄桜    Gyoiko cherry   







⇑⇓ 四月一日看到的染井吉野櫻和山樱都開完了, 除了御衣黄桜外, 還有這個也盛開, 看樣子和開花時間可能是普賢象櫻吧(?)。

⇑⇓  Not sure what variety is this, based on the fact that it was still blooming close to the end of the Kyoto cherry season (2018 bloomed 7-8 days earlier than usual) it could be the Fugenzou (普賢象) Prunus lannesiana (a late blooming yaezakura).


⇓ 杜鵑也開得燦爛

⇓  The Rhododendron in Uhoin was in full bloom on 4/13/2018.




This entry was posted in Buddhism 佛教, Cherry Blossom 櫻花, Flower 花, Japan 日夲, Kyoto 京都, Monastery 寺院, Seasons 季節, Temple 廟, Travel 旅遊 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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