4.12 Nara 奈良


⇑⇑     Standing on the observation deck of Nara Prefecture Office Building, looking south to the five-story pagoda and Tōkondō of Kōfuku-ji (興福寺).    ⇑⇑     站在奈良縣政府辦公大樓頂樓的觀景層,遠眺興福寺五層塔。

Kyoto cherry blossom viewing tour 4.12      Nara

April 12th, checked the weather first thing in the morning, mainly a cloudy day, but better than the day before, the percentage of precipitation was predicted to be low, so we headed out to Nara. We’ve been to Nara many times, our original plan was to take pictures of the cherry trees planted along the Saho River, however, the earlier than usual sakura season messed up our plan, so we made Yoshiki-en our destination for that day. After that, I couldn’t help but walked to Saho River to check out the cherry trees. 

京都賞櫻行之十二      奈良

早上起來,天色仍然沒有太好,但說是不會下雨,所以就去奈良走走。早先原來計劃是要到佐保川拍兩岸滿滿的桜花,但也因桜花早開而錯過了。今日來主要是去看吉城園,以前來都想去那裡看看,但陰差陽錯, 都沒去成。最後,奈不住,去了佐保川看看,了個心願。



⇑⇑     Looking to the East:  Daibutsuden (Big Buddha Hall), Todaji (東大寺).                               ⇑⇑     向東望向東大寺大佛殿。


⇑⇑     Nara Prefectural Office Building is located just a stone’s throw away from Yoshiki-en.  The west side of the top floor of this building is a canteen which offers a panoramic view of the city of Nara. The canteen is open to public, including tourists like us. Above the canteen, there is an observatory deck where one can have an almost 360 degree view of the city.

⇑⇑     這𥚃就是奈良縣政府辦公大樓,頂層有一食堂,妙的是對外開放,也歡迎遊客到那𥚃用餐,食堂在西面,有北、南、西三面無礙景覌。食堂再上一層,是屋頂陽台,中央有高一層的觀望台,免費供人使用。


                          ⇑⇑    A monk on his alms round.             近鐵車站前的化緣僧人。


                ⇑⇓     One of the few cherry trees still in bloom.      少數還在開化的桜花樹。






吉城園  Yoshiki-en:

Wikipedia:  Yoshiki-en (吉城園) is a Japanese garden in Nara. Adjacent to Yoshiki-en flows the Yoshiki River (宣寸川 or 吉城川), celebrated in the Man’yōshū. According to an old plan of Kōfuku-ji (興福寺古絵図), the site was occupied until the Edo period by one of its branch temples, Manishu-in (摩尼珠院). The gardens have been open to the public since the end of the Shōwa period.


There are three gardens in Yoshikien: a pond garden, a moss garden and a tea ceremony garden. So, a visit to Yoshikien provides the opportunity to see three different variations of Japanese gardens in one spot. _JSF1136-Pano.jpg

The Pond Garden    池之庭( 池の庭)





The Tea House.     離れ茶室, 芽葺之屋頂


Written on the tablet above the door of the teat house, Rafusan, which refers to a mountain located in Guandong Provence, China, where there was a legendary huge cave suitable for meditation to become a celestial being. Painted on the door is a horse-riding warrior.




During our visit, the tea house was having an exhibition of kimono, however, only for invited guests.    




The Moss Garden    苔之庭(苔の庭)


The Tea House, as viewed from the moss garden.    離れ茶室, 芽葺之屋頂



Rhododendron or azalea              杜鵑花



Camellia Garden (or Tea Ceremony Garden) : I guess we have missed the bloom of Camellia (normally in January to March). This garden is said to be suitable for tea ceremony.  There was no Camellia flowers or sakura blossoms left, however, dogwood was taking over the center stage.






Strolling the streets of Nara.      閒逛奈良街頭




⇑⇑   黑芝麻 (黑ごま) 軟冰淇淋筒            Black sesame soft ice cream cone


⇑⇓    A small monastery .    小寺院。


⇑⇓    Beautiful wood carvings on the gate of the monastery.     小寺院門上漂亮的木雕。




Saho River is a river flowing through the city of Nara. Dozens, if not hundreds, of sakura trees are planted on both sides of the river. It was on our itinerary, but the earlier-than-usual season messed up our plan. Even though it was too late to come, I still wanted to check out the site, however, we were greeted with these two still-in-bloom cherry trees.




This entry was posted in Cherry Blossom 櫻花, Flower 花, Japan 日夲, Kyoto 京都, Seasons 季節, Thailand 泰國 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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