Thomas Crane Library, Quincy, Massachusetts. 麻省昆西市立圖書館

As you know, it has been a cold winter so far. Just like everybody else, I tend to eat more and move less around this time of the year. As part of my new year’s resolution, I forced myself to go out and take pictures even in  sub-freezing temperature. With my new open finger gloves, I was able to take some pictures until my fingers were frozen. It was tough taking picture in this cold temperature, however, when I saw the color of the deep blue sky without even using a polarization filter, everything was worth it.

入冬以來,先暖後冷。 过去数周氣溫更徘徊冰點以下,加上風寒刺骨,所以總是躲在家裡。聖誕節大風雪,忙於鏟雪, 沒法在大雪的當兒外出獵影。雪霽後,迫着自已帶上露指手套出去外拍。已經出去三、四次了,每次都是到了手指僵硬才作罷。雪後的大晴天拍照,最愛的是天空的湛藍色調,比加了偏光鏡還要藍。

The Thomas Crane Library is the public library of the City of Quincy, City of Presidents. The library is a hidden gem. To my untrained eyes, the architecture of the library is simply handsome. The library was built in four stages, from 1882 to 2001. Amazingly, all four parts are integrated nicely. The Thomas Crane Library has a few branches in Wollaston and North Quincy. However, the pictures in this post focused on the four parts of the main library, namely, the original library (1882, by architect H.H. Richardson) with stained glasses and wood panels, an additional ell with beautiful stained glasses (1908, by William M. Aiken), a major expansion with stone carvings (1939, by Paul and Carol Coletti) and a spacious new addition finished in 2001 (by architects Childs, Bertman, and Tseckares).  The library was ranked 43rd in a national poll conducted in 2007 by the American Institute of Architects of the favorite buildings in the nation (Wikipedia) , second only to the famous Boston Trinity Church (25th, also by H.H.Richardson) in Massachusetts and surprisingly more popular than the well known Boston Library (90th). Moreover, I was stunned to find out that places like Museum of Fine Art Boston or the beautiful Harvard Medical School didn’t even make the list.

The architectural style of the original building is called Romanesque Revival Architecture named after architect Henry H. Richardson, whose masterpiece is Trinity Church in Boston. Ames Free Library (58th) in North Easton is also a brainchild of Richardson.

我十分喜歡昆西市的圖書館。愛它的暖色調,愛它瓦上的眼蓋窗,愛它石墙的質感,愛舊館內的木結構。每次來都說應該拍照。二十年了,這個新年才真的動手。我對建築攝影毫無認識, 第一次去拍,有點兒像”老鼠拉龜”, 無處入手。硬着頭皮隨便拍了一些,回家一看,照片並不理想。覺得老妻一向提醒我的垢病是对的,那就是”見樹不見林”。我的眼睛像有zoom一樣,老是把東西放大來看。這恐怕跟我的專業訓練有関吧。第二天再去拍時,記着老妻”見樹亦見林”的提示,補拍了一些,效果差強人意。

一直以來,直覺上覺得它漂亮,卻不知它的來龍去脉。這一次翻查資料,才知道它原來上了2007年全美150最受歡迎建築物榜,排名第43。在麻省僅次於漂亮的波士頓聖三一教堂(25名, 亦是Richarson的作品), 而享有盛名的波士頓圖書館才排90名。最令人訝異的是波士頓美術館和大理石建成的哈佛醫学院竟然名落孫山呢。1882年建的原館乃H.H. Richardson 的傑作, 稱Romanesque Revival Architecture式 (不敢造次翻譯,祈識者教之)。 在麻省的North Easton 镇有一Ames Free Library, 風格與Thomas Crane Library 原館相似,亦是Richardson氏的作品,也是榜上有名,排行第58.

The original library was built in 1882. The tower on the back is part of a church across the street. 1882年建的原館,後面的塔是對街教堂的一部份.

Beautiful combination of forms and colors. The eyebrow dormer and the glasses that reflected the color of the deep blue sky. 原館外牆,眼蓋窗、瓦的色調結合窗的形狀和玻璃的顏色,漂亮極了。

A gargoyle. 石刻獸形滴水口.

The beautiful tracery (the ornamental stonework) and tympanum/gable. Tracery (花式窗格)和三角牆.The buttress (?)of the 1939 expansion. 1939年擴建的拱壁(?名稱待考).

The little window on the turret of the original building. Turret上的小窗, Turret 乃突出牆外圓筒形的塔樓.

The east corner of the original building. 西南角的水滴.

Side view the original library with the 1908 ell addition to the rear. The building on the right is the 1939 expansion. 從西面東望,中間為1882年原館,左邊為1908年加建的側廂,右邊為1939的擴建.

Looking south-west at the rear of the original building (right) and 1908 ell addition (left). 近望西南方,右為原館,左為1098側廂.

Looking south-east from the rear of the original building (left) and the 1908 ell addition. 拐亇弯,近望東南方,右為1908側廂,左為原館.

Gigantic icicle formed on the corner "sprout". 原館東北角水滴的冰柱, 足有4-5呎長呢.

Inside the 1908 ell addition, note the stained glasses on the north side. 1908側廂內部,非常漂亮的木構.

Stained glasses. 側廂北牆的玻璃窗.

Looking south from the 1908 addition to original building. Note the handsome woodwork of the stack space. 從側廂回望1882年原館的大堂, 那mahogany(南美紅木)的色調令人心醉.

Fire place in the original building. 1882原館的火爐.

Stained glass on the north wall of 1908 addition. 1908年側廂的彩玻璃.

Stained glasses on the south wall of the original building. Though not sure, the middle is created by John LaFarge, entitled Old Philosopher. 1882 年原館內的彩色玻璃, 中間那張應為John LaFarge 的作品, 名為老哲學家.

Walking towards the 1939 expansion. 原館與1939年擴建鐘(右)

The doorway of the 1939 expansion. 1939擴建的大門,两旁有石刻裝飾.

Stone carving-1 by local sculptor Joseph A. Coletti (?). 昆西夲地雕刻家Joseph A. Coletti 作品.

Stone carving-2 by local sculptor Joseph A. Coletti (?).昆西夲地雕刻家Joseph A. Coletti 作品.

Windows in the hall that houses audio-visual media. 1939擴建北廂,影音室外部.

The 1939 building. Note the beautiful eye-lid dormers and the arched windows. 1939擴建南廂,瓦上的眼蓋窗起落有致。

1939 Expansion (left) and 2001 addition. 右邊磚紅色的是2001年擴建.

An entrance (not in use).1939擴建入口之一

The 2001 addition which almost doubled the size of the library.2001大加建令圖書館面積大幅增加.

The 2001 addition.2001大加建部份,右方為昆市電說台.

We end our tour with a crest of crane on the wall, just beautiful.

The 2001 expansion blended in well with the old section and at the same time, shows a touch of modern design. 2001新加建部份給人優雅而現代的感覺.

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